
How fashion brands can cut their carbon footprint

  How fashion brands can cut their carbon footprint: Novoklassik Impact of fashion on environment Over the past two decades, Fashion industry has seen rapid expansion. It has reached an astounding figure of 2.5 trillion USD in value. People now take fashion very seriously; they want to wear what is trending and are willing to discard their old clothes to buy new. According to ( McKinsey & Company, 2016 ), while the number of garments bought in 2014 exceeded 60% of the figure in 2000, people now discarded their clothes 50% more often. The discarded waste has contributed to 8% of the total carbon emission , more than aviation and shipping industries put together. This has put the fast moving fashion industry under severe criticism from the environmental enthusiasts , thus pushing clothing brands to go green .Some of the sustainable fashion brands such as Patagonia have been producing a range of clothes made from plastic, however there is a need of collective effort from all fash